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To say that God exist and yet you cannot empirically and objectively verify the claim is false and, to say that God does not exist and yet you cannot objectively and empirically verify such a claim is also false-this is the fundamental principle of empirical metaphysics.

This is not to the favour of religion fanatics who have subconsciously and unconsciously vowed in one way or the other to close their mind against all objective and empirical phenomena even in the face of scientific correctness neither does it underscore the role of metaphysical entity itself. The philosophy of God's existence as captured in philosophical metaphysics has scared away the feeble and rigidly dogmatic minds and as such, daily refines their entire cognitive structure into epileptic dogmatism relative to responsibility to some supreme beings, the so-called related phenomenon-spirituality. 

Anyway, this synopsis I offer is handled with no much care about any probable criticism that may emanate from you, oh mentally religion-beclouded entity! Religion I see as the grassroot of wellbeing, not an instrument for economic, political, social, emotional, intellectual and bevioural or psychological degradation and total exploitation capable of relegating one into the abyss of ignorance and insufficiency. Though subjectively justified through personal experiences as acclaimed, this does not mean that metaphysical experiences of eternal life, spirit beings, angels, God, heaven, limbo to name but few is unverifiable or unjustifiable by science neither is it to be nullified by it. But for the most important fact here, what still makes the verifiability of such phenomena to seem difficult is just the present age of science and therefore we call this scientific incapacitation a mystery-the unknown. If you want to know how true this is, you will have to study the Einsteinian theory of relativity which offers the hope that one day we may be able to time-travel due to the speed of light. 

A similar phenomenon practicable in magic and voodoo which therefore through changing trends has become the focus of science fiction such as Merlin and Doctor who?. Consider the science-religion practice of the western world, eastern world and the one practiced here in Africa and begin to juxtapose. The difference is clear. The enhancement of any society must be through science and unbiased religion regardless of the type of religion but not expressed in terms of hippocrisy(Kolawole, 2015).

If you want to know how developed a state is, go to its science-religion. Religion: why should it be so sacred? African Christianity to its fanatics is something of the eternal alone making even those endowed with talents, gifts and intellect to be disengaged from scientific practice. To this set of people, surgical operation still remains a sin, basing their cognition on the old religious doctrine of moses and prophets who came before Jesus. This is mental slavery, there is a need for mental revival and liberation. Here, the knowledge of science seem to be an enemy to religion. This is abnormal! They should compliment each other. Religion is a tool for scientific and moral upliftment since science itself tends toward the betterment of life, religion should as well.May be this will be attained someday. Let's continue to be hopeful about it but I doubt if the change will ever occur since the dogmatic minds are many among us, they energize one another, they are unyielding. 

Genetics and environment too help them to transmit and socialize this mysery of a trait from one generation to another. It's the law of nature, it must happen. Try yourself to reflect and ponder about how far you have fine-tune or worst-tune nature by your own type of thinking.

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