Why Ideas Seems To Fail

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Ideas obeys the gestalt theory which theorized that the whole is greater than the sum of it parts. For ideas to manifest it has to pass through different stages and how you approach each stages just as Erick Erickson psycho-social theory propose that your out come  depends on how you have successfully manage each stage.
Stage 1
Image result for ideasBrainstorming:  this is the onset of idea. It is at this level that multiple ideas begin to creep into your conscious thought either through deep thinking,  active study, past experience perception of problem among many others. One beautiful thing about idea is that  it is  always readily available.
Note: idea may not be time bound in occurring but could be time bound in manifestation.
Stage 2
Active selection : active selection involve you actively select ideas that maximize the best of your opportunities. Ideas does not come to you all at once(whole piece) but rather ideas come in  pieces of scrape that need to be fix.( just like you having a cluster of different shapes of block that need to be assemble for it to be meaningful. and don't yo there forget that only a round peg fit into a round hole). hence yo have to actively select the ideas each piece by piece and fish out its counter part without you actively seeking out the elements of this ideas in other to fix them altogether then the idea drops dead at this stage.

Consolidation: what do i mean by the word consolidation, from the oxford English Dictionary consolidation simply mean to combine into a single unit; to group together or join. to make stronger or more solid. I said earlier that ideas does not come in a single coherent way but rather it come in pieces of shamble that you need to fix up appropriately. so haven brain storm on ideas then actively selecting the complementing component( the other elements that will constitute the whole idea) you need to begin to fix up the those element into where they fit in for them to become a a group, a whole.
 Note: after ideas have been consolidated it transform into what we all know to be PLAN

Implementation: at this stage you have to come up strategy and tactics which you will use to execute your plan   

Image result for ideasExecution: This is the last stage of the stages that ideas have to pass in other to become manifest.this is the physical aspect among all the stages, at this stage your plans become visible.

Author: Awujoola Olaoluwa

photo credit: refe99.com
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